Hello and goodbye, my fellow bloggers. This will be my last post on my blog. I am now going into high school (in two days!) and I know that I won't be able to blog. I have truly enjoyed having this blog for the last...um...at least a year. So, I guess this is bye...
Sorry for not posting on my blog for almost a month. I've been so much during the last few weeks! Summer Hummer (a Christian day camp in Olympia) just ended Friday, and I was about to collapse! Hence the title. Anyway, I was an assistant counselor with Laurel for some "Crazy Crickets" or 2nd graders. They were so adorable! When Alison, one of the girls, saw me, she said I was a chipmunk. Haha! It was very random. Two of the girls, Sarah and Maria, go to Sunrise Beach School, where I will be attending high school this fall. So I will see them almost everyday!
We had so much fun this past week. I even went on the go carts three times with my girls and the zip line once! Also, a Christian band called The Lads were there the whole week! They were really nice. All three of the band members signed my camp shirt! It was a blast...and so very tiring. Well, I need to get some rest, so talk to you later! Bye!
P.S. "Collasped" was sung by Aly and AJ. Listen to it here.
Written by Kayla D. on Saturday, July 18, 2009 4 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Fun, Holidays, Partying, Vacation
That's What You Get
...when you play drums on Rock Band 2 for hours straight! A blister on your pinkie, just like mine. I love playing Rock Band 2! It's so awesome--well, besides the whole blister thing. (Paramore sang "That's What You Get", which you can listen to here.)
The whole reason I was playing Rock Band 2 was because today was my older brother's 15th birthday, and the game was one of his presents. Kyle also got Halo 3 with the some of the money he received. Anyway, I just want to say "Happy Birthday, Kuya! God bless!"
Written by Kayla D. on Monday, June 29, 2009 1 comments
Don't Forget
I forgot. I was going to answer Chelsea's tag, but I totally forgot. Demi Lovato sang the song "Don't Forget". (Go here to listen to it.) But now I am finally going to post my answers! Here they are. Also, guess what? Last week I had a biggest, sweetest, most delicious strawberry I've ever had! Look at it? Doesn't it look scrumptious? Thank God for strawberries! (I ate it with whipped cream. Man, I love that stuff!)
If you went to the store and could have your pick of any kind of fruit what would it be?
Kiwis, Apples, Strawberries, Pineapples... I don't know!
What Fruit of the Spirit would your friends and family say describes you the most?
What is your least favorite kind of fruit?
Some totally exotic fruit of which I cannot remember the name.
On a day when you feel depressed or upset, what kind of fruit would you eat?
Which Fruit of the Spirit do you consider a must quality in the friends that you chose?
All of them? Just kidding. Nobody's perfect. Probably faithfulness or love.
What kind of fruit filled pie do you enjoy the most?
Raspberry or blackberry.
Do you prefer apple cider or orange juice?
Orange juice.
Patience or joy?
I need to work on patience, but I love being joyful!
Cherries or oranges?
Cherries, because I can see how far I can spit the seed. :D
A book about the Fruits of the Spirit or a book about fruit?
Who wants to read a book about fruits? I'll take the Fruits of the Spirit any day.
Written by Kayla D. on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 16 comments
My Life Would Suck Without You
By the way, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way but saying the word "suck" in this post. It's just a really good song by Kelly Clarkson. (This is the song.) Today is Father's Day. Of course, for me it's Grandfather's Day, because my dad has been in Heaven for about eight years. Still, I just want to thank the Lord for providing everyone with dads, even though sometimes we don't appreciate them. But hey, if there were no fathers, we wouldn't be here! Our lives really would suck without them! Like my pastor said today, a father's responsibility is to "Love, Lead, Provide, and Protect". Dads, we just want to thank you for everything you've done to make us into better people.
One other person who I can't imagine not having in my life is my little brother, Kendru. He makes life a fun ride (well, most of the time). For example, on Wednesday my mother made a strawberry smoothie. All of the kids love it with whipped cream. Wait! Flashback time. I used to eat whipped cream from a spoon. One day, a friend was over and pushed the spoon on my face, so there was whipped cream all over my face! Okay, back to the more recent past. So, Kendru decided to do what I had done years before. I don't know why, but it was bothering me, so I shoved it in his face. (Don't worry. It didn't hurt him.) It was hilarious! This is a picture.
Written by Kayla D. on Sunday, June 21, 2009 4 comments
What I Like About You
...you tagged me! Hehe! "What I Like About You" is one song that the band Everlife covered. (Here is the song.) Now back to the tagging. Both Rachael and Chelsea tagged me, and but I'm afraid that right now I only have enough time to answer one--it's about an hour till midnight. So here are my answers for the first tag post I've read. Whoever reads this should post their own answers on their blog and tell me they did so. :D Don't forget to be a curl up in your bed and read your Bible!
Sound of Music Favorites
When the "dog bites" and the "bee stings", what do you eat to comfort yourself?
Ice cream, French fries, and did I mention, ice cream!
What cheers you up when you're feeling sad?
Emails or IMs from friends, good books and music, and praying to the Lord.
Instead of schnitzel with noodles, what do you like?
Anything yummy?
Which season do you like?
I like summer and winter the most!
Brown paper packages or letters from friends?
You get to decide that. ;)
Doorbells or ringtones?
Doorbells are awesome, but so are ringtones. Plus you can get ringtones of your favorite music. Still, I love ringing doorbells... Don't make me choose!
Written by Kayla D. on Thursday, June 18, 2009 5 comments
Never Alone
Okay, guys. Before I get the to actual purpose of this post, I have some things to tell you about this blog.
- I am going to try to make the titles of my posts the same as a title of a song.
- I am going to try to post at least one picture or video along with each post.
Written by Kayla D. on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 6 comments
I made it! I have finally graduated into high school. Wednesday was the graduation. It was a miracle that I won the academic award. There are many great students in my class who are so smart! But personally, I think my favorite award was the Christian Character Award. The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders voted for this award. Thank you for voting for me! And a bunch of my family came down from Seattle to Shelton just to see me. My younger cousin, who recently moved, came as well! (She left before the pictures.) I was so thankful and excited! We went to Denny's and I got home at 11:00.
I know it sounds all good, but it really isn't. I have to leave the only school I've ever known. I've been at Mason County Christian School for ten years, and I'm not ready to leave it behind. When the 7th graders prayed for the 8th graders yesterday, my friend had streams of tears running down her red face. It was then that the crying started. All in all, I think I cried about five times. I went to Dairy Queen after the last day of school (which was yesterday) and I still had tears in my eyes. My other friend was there, and after she ran up to me, I cried again. I am going to miss everyone from my school so much! The only way I will survive is if I keep letting God be the Captain of my life. HELP ME, LORD!
And I want to clarify that the guy in the picture (underneath my hand print) is NOT my boyfriend. I do NOT have one and probably won't for a while.
Written by Kayla D. on Friday, June 12, 2009 11 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Grades, Holidays, Life, Partying, Vacation
It's Been a Long Time!
Wow, I haven't posted since about two weeks ago. I'm sorry! Well, here are a few things that happened (or will happen) recently in my life: the sub-district track meet, the district track meet, a couple of finals, a presentation on the Philippines, my cousin and her mom moving out, getting highlights, a whole bunch of missing school for field trips, and graduating out of 8th grade. That was a lot! I guess I've been too busy to post until now. No finals tomorrow. Nothing due tomorrow. Anyway, at sub-districts, I got 2nd in long jump (12' 1") and 1st in 50 (7 seconds-something). At districts, I got 2nd again (beat by the same girl) when I jumped 13' 1-and-a-half". Okay, now I'm going back in time. At the Olympia track meet, there was a girl who supposedly beat me. My coach said that I actually beat her. She did it again. At least that's what people keep telling me. I got 2nd by two hundredths-of-a-second! Oh well. And our relay got 3rd! Now to finals...well, you know how that guess--hours of studying--so I won't go into that. The Philippines presentation was today. I brought lumpia! :D Today, my cousin and my aunt moved into a house she bought with her husband. I got caramel highlights, but they turned reddish. They are awesome! And tomorrow is our last real day of school. The other five have field trips. And....I AM FINALLY GRADUATING OUT OF MIDDLE SCHOOL! Well, next Wednesday anyway!
Written by Kayla D. on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 8 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Field Trips, Grades, Holidays, Life, School Assignments, Vacation
A Great Music Video
This video is one of my favorites! It features Lucas Till (also in Hannah Montana: The Movie) who I think is frankly quite cute. :D This song by Taylor Swift is also awesome. "You Belong With Me" has lyrics that I think almost everybody can relate to. I love how she writes songs about real experiences in life. Thanks for the cool video, Taylor!
Written by Kayla D. on Monday, May 11, 2009 6 comments
Another Track Meet (At Capital High School)
Well, yesterday my school had a track meet at Capital in Olympia. This was my first time actually doing track there. (The last time I was there was in sixth grade, when we found out--shortly after arriving there--that the meet had been canceled.) Anyway, I got 2nd in 50, and 2nd in relay. But the real highlight of the night (for me) was long jump. I got scratches for both the practice and the first jump. My teacher--who I didn't know was coming--encouraged me. Because of that, I jumped 12' 7" for my second jump, beating my PR by two inches. Before the last jump, Mr. S. (my teacher) told me to concentrate on going high. With that in mind (and God on my side), I totally crushed my new record--by one foot! I jumped 13' 7"! Praise God! Afterward, my family had a Bible study and went outside for marshmallows and fireworks. It was so fun! My cousin and I slept at 1:12. :D (BTW, the party thing was because it was the our last study in the book of John.) Well, I hope y'all have a great day!
Written by Kayla D. on Saturday, May 09, 2009 5 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Field Trips, Holidays, Partying, Track and Field, Travel
1st Track Meet of the Season
Greetings, everyone from Washington and beyond! Today was my school's first track meet. I was so nervous! My first event was long jump, and I had to quickly change out of my spikes into my tennis shoes in the last minutes. I actually did pretty decent, even though I got 2nd. I jumped 11'9", which is only about five inches off my record. Yay! In the 50 meter dash, I got first in my heat (although I'm not sure what I got in both heats). My last event was relay, and in that we got fourth. Well, I think that's it was now, so ta-ta!
Written by Kayla D. on Friday, April 24, 2009 7 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Track and Field, Travel
A Haiku for You
Today, we wrote haiku, triplets, and limericks. This is my haiku about apple blossoms. The only time I've seen apple blossoms (I think) is when my class when to Washington D.C. and the apple trees were in bloom. Anyway, here goes:
Swaying in the wind,
The precious blossoms whisper,
Gently on your cheek.
Written by Kayla D. on Thursday, April 16, 2009 27 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, School Assignments
Happy Easter!
Hello, everyone! As the title says, Happy Resurrection Day to you! This day has really made me think (which, frankly, I don't like doing). Imagine being betrayed by one of your friends with a sour kiss for money. Imagine being whipped with a scourge with little pieces of sharp glass in it. Imagine having long nails being pounded into your wrists and feet. But most of all, imagine having all the sins of the world, both present and future, heaped onto your back. That is what Jesus did. And for that reason, we should all be eternal grateful. Easter is not just a happy day with adorable bunnies and colorful eggs; it's the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. That day, thousands of years ago, death was defeated. Amazing, isn't it? Here's a poem I wanted to share with y'all (as you can tell, my class is studying poetry):
When mocked and scorned was He?
When rivers of scarlet flowed down His face?
When they crucified the Prince of Peace?
What is good about Good Friday?
He took on the shame on the cross
That was our own to bear.
Now we are free and His alone!
Written by Kayla D. on Sunday, April 12, 2009 5 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, School Assignments
An Awesome Poem
Hello! I haven't posted in a long time, but this is one poem that has to be written somewhere other than paper. Today, my teacher had us write poems in rows, and this is the best (according to me). I did not write it; Melia, Anna, Dakota, and Indigo wrote this one.
A fountain of impassive peace
A Patience, a Joy, a Peace
A feeling that always endeavors
No motion or movement throughout the land
No breeze can blow it away
The things I've found in love
Don't happen everyday
Written by Kayla D. on Monday, March 23, 2009 2 comments
Labels: School Assignments
Science Fair (I'm Not Trying to Brag!)
Hey! Sorry for not posting. I have been really busy with science reports and such. Today was the Mason County Science and Engineering Fair. This year my project was about acid rain and how it affects plant growth. I was pleasantly surprised when it won the Best in Category award. (My category was 8th grade Biological.) What was even more shocking was the Best of Show award. There are only two of these awards in the science fair, and I'm honored to have one. With it, I also won a sweatshirt (which is huge on me!) with this year's logo on it. The picture was drawn by 4th grader Cody Bragg. It's a picture of a mad scientist and it's very....um....interesting. LOL :D Well, bye for now!
Written by Kayla D. on Saturday, March 14, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Grades, School Assignments
One of the best videos I've ever seen!
Hey there, everyone! I am posting this on my blog, so that you spend at least a couple minutes of your weekend to watch this. It has been really inspirational and I hope you like it!
Written by Kayla D. on Friday, February 13, 2009 2 comments
Labels: Videos
Mid-Winter Break!
Today, at 3:00 PM, was the offical start of mid-winter break. I am so happy! My school has the whole next week off...and my brother's only has today and Monday! More days of vacation. Yay! Well, I'm gonna spend a lot of my break working on my science oral report...I know, boring. Last year I made a wet cell battery. This year, I am going to "make" artifical acid rain and test how it affects plant growth. If you have any ideas, please comment! Thanks again.
Written by Kayla D. on Friday, February 13, 2009 1 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Grades, Holidays, School Assignments, Vacation
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everyone! Finally, 2008 is over. And finally 2009 is here. Do you all have New Year's Resolutions? Well, here are mine:
1. Keep God in my busy life and have a deeper relationship with him.
2. Do my best in everything (especially homework and studying).
Well, I hope everybody has a great year in 2009. Just an update on school and such. My class is in Building 3, but part of the roof caved in, so three grades have to be in the same room! (But it's bigger than an average classroom.) And we have a ton of homework. Over Christmas Break, we had to do a three page timeline (which is huge) and a book report. It was definetly not a relaxing vacation. And I got a laptop for Christmas. And my family got a Wii. That's it for now. Bye!
Written by Kayla D. on Monday, January 05, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Accomplishments, Holidays, School Assignments, Vacation
Great Reads
- "The Courtship of Nellie Fisher" (Series) by Beverly Lewis
- "Diary of a Teenage Girl" (Series) by Melody Carlson
- "The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen
- "Boston Jane" (Series) by Jennifer L. Holm
- "Kiki Strike" (Series) by Kristen Miller
- "Geek High" by Piper Banks