My - Boring and Tiring - School Life

Hey, everybody. It seems like a long time since I talked about my school life - not track or just random vids. Well, we have 6 more days of school. (And tomorrow is the biathalon.) It's fun, but tiring. Of course, it's only tiring because finals are coming up. I missed one word off my spelling test of 45 words! I missed "novice" because I wrote "novive." I was berating myself. (And still am.) Also, on the definitions page, you have to circle a letter and write it on the blank. I circled the right letter, but I wrote "c" instead of "a". I was just missing a line! Oh, life. Anyway, here's our main schedule of next week:

Monday: Naturalization Test (To Be an American Citizen), Bible Final (?)

Tuesday: 8th Graders Get to Go to Lake Trask for a Graduating Field Trip

Wednesday: Literature Term Test (Poetry, Fiction), Vocabulary Test (72 words), Science Final, Chapel for Younger Kids, Leave for Mason Lake Overnight Trip

Thursday: School Pinic (at Mason Lake), Awards Night/Graduation

Friday: Last Day of School!

Pretty cramped up with tests, don't you agree? Well, I have to go study for my states and capital test, as well as the United States rivers. Oh yeah. I forgot the State Fair Quiz. UGH! Anyway, TTYL Bye!

The Ultimate Showdown

Thanks, Ben, for introducing this to me. Okay, this is a hilirious vid. Even though you may not like anime, it's still really good comedy. Be sure to watch it!

Athletics Week

This week was my classes' swimming week. After literature, we left the school and headed toward the Shelton High School pool. (For your information, I am a really bad swimmer.) Every day, we practice the crawl stroke, breast stroke, butterfly stroke, and the back stroke. On Monday, I did horrible. I had two/three tutors: Mrs. Manning (my P.E. teacher), Mrs. Kempton (my friend's mom), and Mrs. Swanson (my homeroom teacher). It was sad. I was a wreak. But yesterday-Friday-I somersaulted off the diving board two times! It was so fun! During the week I jumped off the diving board 15 times! Amazing, considering I usually sink to the bottom. (Also, the diving pool is 12 feet deep.) Another thing that was yesterday was the districk track meet. Wow, as I think about it, I will say this: I was a complete and total wreak yesterday. I did so bad at long jump. Wow. I jumped 11' 2". And that's not the worst of it. I had two scratches! Those were the first scratches this whole year! It was bad. But at least I placed. 50 wasn't so bad. I got second because-according to Becca, Rachel, and Alix-I didn't lean in at the last part. I have to admit I was sorta angry. Relay actually was better than I thought it would be. We got 4th place at 1:00.1. The only bad thing was that our record was 1:00 flat. Sorta weird? Yup. Well, I got to go. TTFN Oh, yeah. We have a biathalon next Friday. Ugh.

One of My Fave Songs

Hello. After the buss between Susan Pevensie and Prince Caspian, a wonderful, amazing, mezmerising song was played. It was called "The Call" by Regina Spektor. It don't know who to describe it. It's one of those songs-that-make-you-feel-warm-and-mushy-inside-and-you-feel-like-you're-gonna-cry. That is my one word description of "The Call". Oh, yeah. To all those who actually care, credit for the title of this song belongs to my bro. (I didn't know what it was called.) By the way, the district track meet is this Friday.

New York!

So, you all know all about our state fair project, right? We have to research your state (that you picked) and have a presentation, a 3-way board, a fact sheet, and a brochure. Anyway, just in case you don't know, I am lucky enough to chose New York...but only because I chose it early! Well, just now I was trying to find out which city has a bigger population: Albany (the capital) or New York City (the major city). (I did this because I was bored.) So, I found out that - of course - NYC has more people. As I was looking through the page about New York City, I found the part about the races in this fabulous city. This is what it said:

Races in New York:
White Non-Hispanic (35.0%)
Hispanic (27.0%)
Black (26.6%)
Other race (13.4%)
Two or more races (4.9%)
Chinese (4.5%)
Asian Indian (2.1%)
American Indian (1.1%)
Korean (1.1%)
Other Asian (1.0%)
Filipino (0.7%)

I was amazed. The [awesome] Filipino race actually made the list. So what if it was last? So what if it was only .7%? It's still in my blood. I love my hertiage, and will be proud of it till death...and beyond!

A ***** (Five Star) Movie

On Friday night, at the Century Theater in Olympia, I watched The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was amazing! After the sub-district track meet (which I got first in long jump, first in the 50, and second in relay), my mom drove my brother and me to Calvary Chapel, where we left to go to Olympia. We went with our youth group. After we ate, Jenna, Katie, and I looked around the mall. Surprisely enough, I surreptiously crept by my aunt and scared her to death, right there in American Eagle. It was funny. Finally we went to the theater and watched it. It was amazing! The action, the plot, the kiss. I had a brunette moment when Susan Pevensie (Anna Popplewell) and Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes) had a buss. (Although, I found it sorta gross for Ben is 26 and Anna is 19.) Anyway, it was overall a great movie. I hope to watch it again this Friday, and buy the DVD when it comes out.

The Funnest (Or "Most Fun" in Proper English) Field Trip

Yeah! Today was really fun. When we got to school we waited until we could take a picture with a leaf fountain (my class' auction project). After we did, we zoomed out of the campus and drove toward my teacher's house. We dropped off our stuff and then walked into the woods toward a trail. We eventually got to the actual town and went on a walking tour. It was seriously fun-which is really weird, but cool. We walked back to the house and waited. And waited. And waited. Then my friend's cousin and my classmate's brother arrived and talked to us for about a hour. Finally, the patties and hot dogs were barbequed and we stuffed our selfs. We went wading-or swimming in some cases, but no mine-in the creek behind their house, called Goldsborough Creek. Mackenzie, Gabe, and I wading and walked to a rock which we suntanned on. (At least Mackenzie and I suntanned.) Then Danielle and Hailee joined us. Gaber, Kenz, Dani, Hailee, and I went back to the house. Our class then went to Dairy Queen where we bought ice cream! Yeah! Again, a very good field tip.

Prince Caspian, and Shelton

Hey, guys! Whassup? Today, while I was eating dinner, I was invited to go with a youth group to watch The Chorincles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It's going to be so fun! And it's taking place right after our track meet. Talk about hectic! Well, I can't wait to see Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian) and Skandar Keyes (Edmund Pevensie). I actually am starting to like Skandar (only in the second movie)! Amazing right? Right now, in history, we are learning about *drumroll* Shelton! Yup. We are learning the history of Shelton. Tomorrow we are going to go walk around Shelton and have a BBQ! It's going to be fun! I have to go to sleep, because my brother's so demading. UGH. Night.

It's a small world!

Okay. I typed "Ben Foster" in the Google Search Engine (I was looking for your blog, Ben) when I happened to stumble upon a bunch of sites about an actor. I was like, Wow! My friend is a celeb?! It was weird. Anyway, here is a picture of the actor who weirdly enough shares the same name with one of my classmates:

If you want to go to the real Ben Foster's blog, go here:

I love track and field!

Today, we had another track meet - even though it is Thursday, not Friday. We got to leave school at 12:35 (another great benefit of doing track). We went to Hood Canal which had a weird track. I swear the long jump pit was possessed! It made me angry! I only jumped 11' 4", when I was earnestly trying to jump 13'. And my brother - who jumped 16' 1" last track meet - only jumped 14' 1"! Something was wrong today. Oh well. Anyway, I got first place in 50 meter dash. It really sucked that I got a slower time. But the next part made up for it. You know how the first lane (in relay) has to start what seems farther than the other lanes, right? Well, our school was in the second lane. I had three people in "front" of me. When we started I passed all of those three! Usually somebody cuts in front of me, but I actually ran today. And it paid off. Well enough about me, what about you? What did you do today? I have to go finish memorizing a poem by A. E. Housman called "To An Athlete Dying Young". Okay. TTFN

Which cell phone?

Okay. I will admit it. I had a cell phone, but I lost it in Washington D.C. Now don't get me wrong. I am usually pretty organized (or at least a lot of people tell me so). But I think the trip was messing with my mind. I was distracted. So, I think I left my LG Rumor at the Museum of Natural History. (It's better to lose it across the country in some historical site than your house, right?) Anyway, I was wondering if I should pay $300 to replace my cell (of which I already saved $1oo) or just buy a Palm Centro. What do you think?

People in the Media (Boys Actually)

Okay. This is for all you girls out there! Hey, my peeps! Here is Ben Barnes, the 26 year-old set to play Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This is a picture of him when he was younger.

Of course, this is Jason Dolley. He plays Newt in Cory in the House and starred in Minutemen. My favorite part about him is his blond hair. I love long-but not too long-hair on a guy.

Next would be my two favorite Jo Bros: Nick and Joe. I love Nick! He's only two years old than me! His curly hair is definetly a plus. And I love his voice. I like Joe, too. He's cool!

This is Enrique Iglesias. He is half Filipino, and he has a great voice. Listen to his song, "Somebody's Me" on my playlist. Scroll down to the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Just to tell you, I was bored when I was making this post. It's not like I'm obsessed or anything. (That was a weird ending to a post.)

Another Track Update

Well, today is Saturday. Yesterday we had a track meet at Olympia High School (which had a really great track, BTW). Anyway, it was awesome! Long jump actually was rubber, not concrete. I was so happy for that! I got first in long jump this time. I jumped 12' 41/2". There was a guy in my division who jumped 15 feet! Yup. And in 50 meter dash, I got first place. This time I ran 4 milliseconds faster than last time! Such an improvement! LOL So, have a nice day! Oh yeah. I forgot. And our relay team got third place.

Great Reads

  • "The Courtship of Nellie Fisher" (Series) by Beverly Lewis
  • "Diary of a Teenage Girl" (Series) by Melody Carlson
  • "The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen
  • "Boston Jane" (Series) by Jennifer L. Holm
  • "Kiki Strike" (Series) by Kristen Miller
  • "Geek High" by Piper Banks